Computer Solutions Provider - Internship in Canada.

Internship title: Computer Solutions Provider
Internship Industry: Computer Solutions Provider
Location: Vancouver
About the company: On-site computer services company that provides both hardware and software support to a wide range of users. Everything from computer repairs and upgrades and software installations to extensive network and server installations are performed by a team of over 30 computer professionals.
Pre-requisite: Computer Technician
Start Date & Duration: Ongoing
How to apply: Please check the "Internships in Canada" programme description for answers to most of your general questions and explanation of the application process.
Or fill in the application form to apply online.

Global Choices. Contact information

Global Choices, 146 Omega Works, 4 Roach Road, London E3 2GY, United Kingdom
Tel: (+ 44) 208 533 2777 (UK)
Tel.: (+1) 646 929 4656 (USA)
Fax: (+ 44) 870 330 5955

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